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These Ugly Shorts May Actually Improve Your Sex Life

How’s this for a quandary: There is a new brand of shorts coming to market that may help improve a man’s sexual performance.

However, even if they work, they are ugly enough that they may make some potential partners decide against having sex with you.

The boner-building biker-style shorts are the creation of VylyV (vill-live), a start-up that plans to raise funds soon via Kickstarter.

The shorts supposedly work by recording your movements throughout the day and sending that info to an app that designs workout plans and guidelines to improve your pelvic floor muscles doing butt-squeezing kegel exercises.

And, yes, men can benefit from doing kegels, too.

Strengthening those muscles improves blood flow to the sex organs, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Of course, not everybody thinks these undies will turn you into a porn star in the bedroom.

Dr. Paul Turek, a board-certified urologist with offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco, says the claims made by the shorts’ manufacturer are “dubious science at best.”

“There is a relationship between pelvic muscles and incontinence, but there’s no evidence of a clear benefit between strong pelvic muscles and strong erections,” he told HuffPost.

The company hasn’t responded to HuffPost yet about when the shorts will go on the market, how much they will cost, or, most important, if they will ever be stylish.

However, they are attempting to arouse interest with this YouTube video that features the model saying totally studly things like “Yeah babe, just put your seatbelt on, we’re going for a ride” to an attractive female in red stilettos.


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